‘Orbital Resonances’ Mini-Film Release – A film by Trent Freeman

Six cutting-edge filmmakers create works for release of ‘Path of Totality’ on Whirlwind Recordings

It’s been a thrill to see six filmmakers each interpret a track from my new release ‘Path of Totality’ on Whirlwind Recordings

The sixth and final film, ‘Orbital Resonances’, is by filmmaker/musician Trent Freeman! It explores celestial mechanics and features the stellar drumming of both Kenny Wollesen and Nate Wood

Always, thanks to the amazing musicians David Binney on alto sax and Matt Mitchell on piano

You can check out the series of six films here
Thanks to all the filmmakers for their original work, fascinating to see as a collection: Lee Hutzulak, Anne Beal, Udo Prinsen, Gita Blak, JiYe Kim and Trent Freeman

Album and review highlights here

Thanks also to co-producer/engineer David Travers-Smith and Whirlwind Recordings’ Michael Janisch for making this odyssey possible!


‘Toy Piano Meditation’ Mini-Film Release – A film by JiYe Kim

Six cutting-edge filmmakers create works for release of ‘Path of Totality’ on Whirlwind Recordings

The fifth film, ‘Toy Piano Meditation’, is by NYC-based filmmaker JiYe Kim! 
Inspired loosely by John Cage‘s Suite for Toy Piano, it is a mediation on his music and ideas.

Always, huge thanks to the amazing musicians: David Binney, Matt Mitchell and Kenny Wollesen. Thanks to guest musician Mark Duggan, layering to create a percussion ensemble of marimbas, vibraphones, glockenspiels, crotales and Tibetan singing bowls.

Get the album here and see review highlights.

‘Like’ Quinsin Nachoff Artist Page to see the upcoming films as they are released!


‘March Macabre’ Mini-Film Release – A film by Gita Blak

Six cutting-edge filmmakers create works for release of ‘Path of Totality’ on Whirlwind Recordings

The fourth film, ‘March Macabre’, is by NYC-based filmmaker and animator Gita Blak! It features tap dancer Orlando Hernández in both the film and music.
Exploring themes in the current political climate, immigration, order and freedom, it is not coincidentally premiering on April Fools’ Day.

Always, huge thanks to the amazing musicians: David Binney, Matt Mitchell and Kenny Wollesen. That’s Kenny Wollesen’s March Machine heard in the opening. Thanks to the guest musicians layering to create a Big Band: Carl Maraghi, Dan Urness, Matt Holman, Ryan Keberle and Alan Ferber.

Get the album here and see review highlights.

‘Like’ Quinsin Nachoff Artist Page to see the upcoming films as they are released!


‘Path of Totality’ Mini-Film Release – A film by Anne Beal

Six cutting-edge filmmakers create works for the Feb 8 worldwide release of ‘Path of Totality’ on Whirlwind Recordings.

The second film, ‘Path of Totality’, is by Brooklyn experimental animator Anne Beal! This piece, featuring two drummers, uses the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 as its inspiration.

Always, huge thanks to the amazing musicians: David Binney, Matt Mitchell, Kenny Wollesen and Nate Wood!

Pre-orders here at Whirlwind Recordings

‘Like’ Quinsin Nachoff Artist Page to see the upcoming films as they are released!


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